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Who am I? My name is Lena and I have major wine swag. And, you should too!
After spending years in the finance game, I decided to take my interests in learning about wine to the next level. I enrolled in a globally recognized school, WSET, and after several years attained all the designations and credit to be considered an overeducated wine enthusiast. 

What I found through the process, and even in events and tastings years after, is that *it* can be intimidating. It can be exclusive. It can be daunting. But! It didn’t have to be…for years my friends, family and colleagues would come to me for wine buying advice. ‘I have a party/I have a dinner/I need a gift/Why this vintage?/I want a small collection at home – Where to Start?' Yada Yada Yada. I was known as the girl with the wine swag. And, thus, WineSwagger was born. Since 2010, I have served as a wine and hospitality consultant assisting private client and institutional clients all over the globe. 

Which wine do I like to drink? Yes, please 😊


Do I have a cute dog?  Yes.  Does he drink Champagne?  Also, yes.


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